Community Centers
Our Cornerstone Community Center programs function as a beacon of resources to the Brooklyn communities where they are located. Serving school-aged children via afterschool programming, providing club based enrichment activities for middle school students, and granting access to the computer lab, gym, food pantry, family-oriented events, as well as referral services to the community at large.
Our Community Centers
From referrals to social services, access to a free gym and weekly food pantry- We aim to be a resource hub that meets the growing needs of community residents.
Special events are tailored with our community to promote family engagement, health, advocacy for self-awareness pertinent to social matters as well as a sense of community strength.

Learning Labs were developed in response to the needs of students and their families during the pandemic. They provide a space for children to engage in remote learning on days when they are not slated to receive in-person instruction, taking the burden off of families to seek alternate care and allowing guardians to return to work. Although their primary purpose is to assist students with remote learning, the labs offer hands-on extracurricular activities that enhance day school instruction and Provide opportunities for positive social interactions with peers and caregivers.